네스트리, NFT 통합데이터 애그리게이터 플랫폼인 'NFTGo' 와 연구사업을 포함한 전략적 협력사업을 위한 파트너쉽 계약체결. 안녕하세요. 네스트리 한국 커뮤니티 여러분.

16 Mar 2023, 04:59
📢 네스트리, NFT 통합데이터 애그리게이터 플랫폼인 ‘NFTGo’ 연구사업을 포함한 전략적 협력사업을 위한 파트너쉽 계약체결 안녕하세요. 네스트리 한국 커뮤니티 여러분! 네스트리는 싱가폴에 본사를 두고 있는 글로벌 통합 데이터 애그리게이터 플랫폼인 ‘NFTGo’ 블록체인, NFT 기술의 공동 연구와 새로운 비즈니스 모델 개발을 통한 생태계 확장을 위해 파트너쉽을 체결하고 협력사업을 진행합니다. 네스트리는 NFTGo와 함께 NFT 산업과 관련된 국내외 연구사업에 적극 참여하여 새로운 형태와 비전의 커뮤니티 빌드업을 이루고 이를 바탕으로 다양한 프로젝트와 커뮤니티를 지원할 계획입니다. 📌자세한 내용 :

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NestreeEGG #1070
16 Mar 2023, 05:11
@nestree_io signs a strategic partnership with @nftgoio for Ecosystem expansion and development.🫶🥳 👉Link: #Nestree #NFTGo
@nestree_io signs a strategic partnership with @nftgoio for Ecosystem expansion and development. Link:. #Nestree #NFTGo.
@nestree_io signs a strategic partnership with @nftgoio for Ecosystem expansion and development.🫶🥳 👉Link: #Nestree #NFTGo
NestreeEGG #1070
16 Mar 2023, 05:05
📢 Nestree signs a contract with ‘NFTGo’, an NFT integrated data aggregator platform, for strategic cooperation projects including research projects Hello. Nestree Community! Nestree has formed a partnership and is collaborating with NFTGo, a global integrated data aggregator platform based in Singapore, to expand its ecosystem through joint research and development of blockchain and NFT technology, as well as new business models. Nestree will actively participate in domestic and international research projects related to the NFT industry with NFTGo, building a new form and vision of community, and plans to support various projects and communities based on this. 📌Details here :
Nestree signs a contract with 'NFTGo', an NFT integrated data aggregator platform, for strategic cooperation projects including
📢 Nestree signs a contract with ‘NFTGo’, an NFT integrated data aggregator platform, for strategic cooperation projects including research projects Hello. Nestree Community! Nestree has formed a partnership and is collaborating with NFTGo, a global integrated data aggregator platform based in Singapore, to expand its ecosystem through joint research and development of blockchain and NFT technology, as well as new business models. Nestree will actively participate in domestic and international research projects...
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